Ebola outbreak: Obama asks Australia for help


America and Britain have requested Australia to work more together for preventing the epidemic of Ebola in West Africa, but Australia has only  made a donation. Australian Prime minister claimed that Australia is too distant from Africa and it will not send Australian medical teams until it can ensure their safety. He thinks that Australia has to concentrate efforts for taking measures against the potential outbreak in Asia. However, the opposition parties have asked for the government the more cooperation with other countries against Ebola, so Prime minister reconsider the requests for relief.


I feel the difficulty of  the international cooperation from this article. This action by Australia( refuse sending medical team)is right in terms of national defense against Ebola. But if many countries refuse the cooperation, the damage of Ebola increases all over the world. The leader nation should  do the international cooperation activity as long as own nation benefits.

However, this problem shows the trouble of medical intervention on the other hand. In some cases, African people disobey the request of improvement for living because of their cultures and the advanced countries can not stop the spread of Ebola.

I think it is important for keeping the damage of Ebola at a minimum to give the knowledge of Ebola as well as the international cooperation.

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