Women`s rights groups hail conviction of Afghan cleric for girl`s rape


This article is about the girl who was raped and confronted her attacker in court. What`s unusual about this case is that the victim had the courage to step forward.This girl was 10 years old, so a little young girl from a far province gets justice for herself, this was an amazing thing for people. This article says this is a success for human rights in the country. And also it says that it makes us believe and trust more in the justice system in the country.


When we read this article, we talked about the ways how can ladies or girls raped get justice against the culprit in countries such as Japan. In Japanese present law, it admits the participation system of the victims to court. I thought this will be the best way.

But usually, the victims who were raped have the clear memories about incidents. So it will be difficult for the victims to confront their attacker in court. Therefore, the partipation system is not the perfectly best way for victim`s salvations.

I think as the thing which complements the system, Japanese present law admits the shield system between victims and culprit or television telephone system for victims. These systems will improves the participation system of victims to court.

However, the little girl`s confrontation her attacker in court is a success for human rights in the world, I think.

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