Reaction on the independence of Scotland


In September 19th, there was a big voting going on in Scotland. People in Scotland gathered together and spoke up to get more supporters. Many campaigners assembled in major cities and appealed their opinions. Because of this, many people who were never involved in a politics before also became a part of campaigners for their own country’s independence. However, the result of voting was “No” to the independence. Many campaigners were disappointed with this result and seemed to lose their attention toward their independence. Yet, it turned out to be that more and more Scots were willing to involve in their independent. Scottish National Party is the major party and it now has a member of 80,000 supporters.



In my opinion, it is always difficult to have a country independent after being a part of another country. It may lead a country to many disadvantages and challenges. Economy, culture, and relationships between people are the things you have to concern in order to have independence. However, in many cases people get too enthusiastic and loose their normal temper to think about these problems. In this article, it also described how people got together and acted so eagerly. I hope this will turn out successfully and have the country a peaceful place.


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