My comment about Chinese political corruption

As a result of greater economic freedom, China suffers from widespread corruption including graft, bribery, embezzlement, backdoor deals, nepotism, patronage, and statistical falsification. In order to put the brakes on this increasing malversation, a key meeting of Chinese Communist Party leaders focusing on the rule of law and fighting corruption has begun in Beijing.
Xi Jinping who is the president of the party, has taken measures to fight against political corruption since assuming the position in 2013. His anti corruption campaigns are very effective and some improvements are expected. He said that no one is beyond his reach and all offender will be punished regardless of their rank.


I think that a swift and specific solution plan is indispensable because growing corruption among public officials produces two serious negative consequences.

First, corruption leads to socio-political instability and a legitimacy crisis for the regime.
If officials use their power to satisfy their selfish desires at the expense of public interests, people will not believe in them anymore. In consequence, their authority and legitimacy will decline and the government will lose its influence. Furthermore, corruption will lowers the moral standards and cohesion of the entire society, cause public officer’s behavior may set a bad example for society and may stimulate others to follow.

Second, corruption may disturb economic growth.
By imposing their power, corrupt officials will get a big sum of money easily. In contrast, a big majority of people in china will have to work hard for little money… Such a unfairness will probably kill people’s motivation to go to work. The death of meritocratic system means the collapse of the society. Injustice among rewards should be corrected.

In this way, corruption will have negative influences in individuals’ economic behavior and will hurt the government’s legitimacy and jeopardized economic growth. Its prevention and eradication is an absolute requirement for better social and public life in china.
HOWEVER, I want to stress that corruption is a strong temptation that any one may succumb to if we get the chance (if you are a bureaucrat for instance).
After all, politicians(who take bribes)
are neither more nor less than the representative of the Chinese Nation…
Instead of wasting time cursing at the crowd of uncountable corrupt politicians(who are their own reflexion), Chinese people may need to examine themselves.

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