Summary: There was a new discovery that the turmeric, a type of curry spice can repair the brain cells of people with neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer.  Turmeric  can cause the expansion of two key brain regions where the growth of neurons is known to take place. As a result it helps the brain to work as usual, if the brain had some diseases. However, this discovery was just found in the laboratory experiment that was held to the rats.  Whether it works for the human or not, is still under study.

Reaction: This was really surprising news for me, because curry is one of my favorite food. I used to live in India, the country of curry. The fact that I learned there, supports the news that was told in the article I read in class. In India, people’s chance of becoming Alzheimer, is 1/4 than the possibility of Americans to become a disease such as Alzheimer. What I thought is that,  there must be some kind of correlation  between the amount of curry that Indians eat each year, and their small risks of becoming Alzheimer.

But the problem is, it is still difficult, or expensive to buy turmeric spice for curry in Japan.  This discovery was surprising , though it is not useful enough to help the diseases yet.

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