Mobs assault Hong Kong protesters’ barricades

A mob who opposed to Hong Kong’s prodemocracy demonstrators assaulted on protesters’ barricades and clashed with police.
Demonstrators originated a civil disobedience movement because they objected to restriction on the first-ever direct election for the semiautonomous Chinese city’s leader. The leaders of students-led protesters require authorities to stop screening candidates and demand to resign Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, the city’s Beijing-backed leader. They declare they don’t intend to retreat from the street until authorities accept their demand.

Hong Kong is the very place that political tension between authorities and citizens, especially students. It was only several months ago that students stayed in Hong Kong’s Diet opposed to economic policies with China. The accident was not rare, or rather students’ movements are very active in Hong Kong. I wonder why students in Hong Kong have high political awareness or what inspire them so much. In my opinion, one of the reasons is that students are the easiest group to originate social movements. Compared to workers, for example, students probably have much time to communicate, discuss, gather and unite. In addition, students do not expect personal benefits in return for participating in political movements. But still, I have many questions about why youth or students in Hong Kong are motivated to participate in politics.

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