
The Australian government decided about religion. It was prohibited that women who wear the Vail enters the parliament. Most Islam people always wear the Veil to cover the face without eye. This law was made because recently the risk of Muslim terrorism has been increasing. Australia has joined the US-led coalition fighting IS in Iraq, and domestically, police have conducted anti-terror raids in recent weeks. But there are also objections. some people say there was no reason for people with faces covered to be considered a specific threat. In fact, this law was finished in two weeks.

My opinion

I think this law is not good. Certainly there is a lot of bad rumors against Islam. However, as also in the text, not all Islamic bad. law that country determines the national outfits are infringing the freedom. War on terror is a political story. We do not treat general people as terrorists. . The fight against terrorism should be solved by dialogue, can not be solved by prohibition of armed and Islam. I want Australia to be no discrimination country as immigration country.

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