Chinese masked men – My Reaction

Pro-democracy student groups are demanding for full voting rights in the next election in 2017. However, Chinese government wants full control over the list of candidates who can stand in that election, and so denies the demand. As a result, protest has been still continued and there have been scuffles between police and pro-democracy groups. Recently, a new type of gruop appears, which is consisted of masked men who waers sugical-masks. Police seems cooperate with these masked men to tear down the barricades and to  finish this protest. Police even announced that if people resist againt these masked men, they will be arrested. Today, protesters are still trying to oppose the government for their rights

After reading this article, I wander who the masked men are. We can think simply that they are just ordinary people who support current communist government and work as an anti-occupy group. There is also another opinion about the gruop. Some of the pro-democracy protester say that the masked men look like gangstars. As a hypothesis, in my opinion, the masked men are gangstars and they might be even hired by the government to calm down the protesters. I think it is not fair to suppress non-violent movement by violence.  Any authorities should not just control their fellows only by power. They should correspond to the problems sincerely and try to work out the best solutions. I hope the Chinese people and the government will reach an agreement about the voting rights and have a fair election in 2017.

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