My reaction to “Seoul: Pyongyang Sanction Unchanged”


The South Korean president, Park Geun-hye,remarked her govenrment  is open to the idea to try to resolve the isuue between North and South Korea. This sincere comment is showing her positive attitude. At the same time, it would encourage Pyongyang to have an important dialogue.  Problem is that it would not be possible to carry out proposals explained in Dresden Declaration without changing the May 24 sanctions. In this regard, it was found
in a recent poll the South Korean public expect improvement of the situation.


I hope I’m not the only one who surprised by recent poll took in South Korea. It revealed not only the government but also the South Korean public is positive to make a change on the long-term relations. This result shows there have been moves to try to have a genuine talk with the North. If the two Koreas made substantial dialogue, other divded countries could also be affected. I’m worried this declaration won’t change the situation, though.  It is true that Ms.Park’s proposals raised a hope for better relationship,  still they sound a bit vague. In this meaning, the importance of solving  the 24 May sanction got clearer than before. Yes, the door is open. Now the world is watching whether the two Koreas will get in there.
How the North Korea would respond and what they would discuss will be a hot topic.


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