Reactions of “Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit”

Reactions of “Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit”

Japan’s minister Obuchi and Matsushima has resigned almost at the same time.
Ms Matsushima had been accused by the opposition of violating election laws. Ms Obuchi was alleged to have misused her political funds
PM Shinzo Abe who brought them into his cabinet said he took responsibility and that they would be replaced within a day
Ms Obuchi was tipped by some as a future prime minister, but allegation emerged that her staff had misused campaign funds. She apologized for being unable to contribute to key goals set by Abe, including “a society where women shine”

After I read this article, I think it is stupid news.
Mr Abe wants to bring more women into top level of government, but I don’t think that is not good way.
I think Japan is not male chauvinism but female supremacy recently. If there are more women in the cabinet, they are more predominant in Japan. You may say that if there are many men in the cabinet, feminists get angry, but I think the best way of equality of the sexes is that.
At present, there isn’t the public tendency to discriminate against women in Japan, so even if there are only men in the Diet, it doesn’t become male supremacy. But how about turning this situation?
And there is more important problem. That is the policy to bring women into cabinet actively .It isn’t necessary to bring them into by force. Brilliant people must be ministers, so it should not be restricted that more women must become them. As this article, that policy brought about disaster.
I think it is good that more excellent women go into top level of government, but should stop the public tendency to bring them into government by force

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