My reaction to “China Communist Party plenum begins in Beijing”

A big meeting of Chinese communist Party leaders focuses on the rule of law and fighting corruption has begun in Beijing. Communist Party has about 90 million members but power resides with the Central Committee. Unfortunately, the role of the attendees is merely to nod through the policies set out by Communist Party leader and national president Xi Jinping. The party released a statement highlighting the importance of the law. However, critics say he does not intend to make the Communist Party itself subject to the law by , for example , setting up an independent judiciary.

My opinion
Reading and discussing this article helps me know better what Chinese Communist party is like. I didn’t know that the Central Committee is the highest organization of the Chinese communist party until I researched. Chinese political system and Japanese political system are very different. I firmly believe just nodding through the policies set out by person with power is not democracy. And I think the rule of law in Japan and that in China are also different. The rule of law in Japan is under democracy and actions of everybody is restricted by law, including the president. But the rule of law in China is under communism and it could strengthen power of president because he isn’t bound by law. I think such a rule of law is not a complete rule of law. Although having said that, the move from the rule of men to that of law is a big change because adopting the rule of law will lead to sticking the knife into vested interests.

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