My reaction about 「“instagram for doctors” to be launched in Europe 」



An app which shares the photos that draws the condition of patients was released for doctors or medical students. The pictures of this  app ,“instagram  for doctors ” are uploaded by more than 150,000 doctors. It is epoch-making idea  but there are problems about patients’ credentials. Moderators check the photos before it is added to the databases to provide their personal information. However there are rare cases of patients and if someone found the we can identify them.




I think it is useful app for human to develop medical technology.  Anybody can download this application for free and of course there are privacy issues. so I want to suggest an idea for this app . This idea is that we change this app  for  only doctors or medical students and then we can protect their privacy and they can research. Although if we change this app there are some problems ,(ex to cost a lot of money to certify medical people  on the app)I think it is good way to protect privacy and research cases of patients

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