My reaction about ‘Instagram for doctors’ to be iaunched in Europe

This article is an app which help doctors share pictures of their patients. This app called ‘Instagram for doctors’ was started selling in Europe. More than 150,000 doctors have uploaded case photos, but some experts have worried about patient confidentiality. Patients’ face and identifying marks like tattoos are blinded by the app.

Founder Dr. Josh Landy told that the best way to protect patient’s identity is not to have any personal medical data. In addition, he told that if some rare disease were uploaded case photos, the patients could have been identified. Anybody can download the app for free, but only verified healthcare professional can upload or comment on them, he added.

I think that Instagram for doctors is a good app because doctors can resolve some rare cases. It is too difficult for doctors to cure incurable disease by themselves. If many doctors are involved in treatments, it will be able to cure the incurable disease. To share photos of their patients leads to save many lives.

But I am worried about identifying the patients in the app. No matter how doctors try to hide their patients, in rare cases, we can identify who is the picture. It is important that protect the privacy of patients. So we should do that only doctors are to be able to see ‘Instagram for doctors’. However, I think that more important thing is to clarify what is the incurable disease. I want to help ‘Instagram for doctors’ to resolve many medical problems.

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