My reaction about the Instagram for doctors


An app which enables doctors to share patient’s pictures is to be made publish in Europe by the end of the year. Actually more than 150000 doctors have uploaded it but there is a question whether patient’s privacy is concealed. On the assumption that patients’ face are automatically hidden, so far, doctors can use it legally because identifying the doctor does’t mean to identify the patient. But if there were rare cases like only seven cases in USA , the patients could have been identified so it is difficult problem.


I think this app has more advantage than defects and there are two reasons for this.
First, this app can make medical science more development. Anybody can download the app for free, and only verified healthcare professionals can upload photos or comment. So the possibility that these photo would be abused is low and in countries where there is poor medical science such as developing countries will be able to enjoy the value of the app.
Second, patients’ privacy can save. It is true that in rare cases patients would be identified, but it is dangerous, just shouldn’t upload such photos. And there is a consent between a doctor and a patient, so take a legally step.
For these reasons, I think this app is very useful.

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