My reaction-About the effect of drinking coffee

Today’s my topic was about the effect of drinking coffee. According to the previous research, the famous ingredient of coffee, caffeine has known as a cognitive enhancer. That is, drinking coffee helps us strengthen our brains’ ability of recognizing. Now, new studies show that subjects who took the caffeine were better at the faculty of memory. They can identify pictures that were similar, compared with subjects who didn’t ingest caffeine. There’s also argument about the best amount of caffeine to maximize our brain’s performance. According to one view, using the 200mg dose of caffeine was better than 100mg doses of caffeine. Thus they conclude that at least 200mg is needed to observe the enhancing effect of caffeine on consolidation of memory. Then, the more amount of caffeine you take, the better it is for your minds and bodies? Of course, “No”. Coffee also has negative points. For example, coffee can cause a stomach ulcer and have an attack of anemia for some people. The same thing can be mentioned about alcohol. Like since old time, sake has been said to be the best of all medicines, drinking a proper quantity of alcohol has good effects on our health. On the other hand, there are many patients suffered from alcoholism, cirrhosis, and other serious diseases caused by drinking. Therefore I claim that everything (including coffee) has both good and bad effect naturally, so to keep taking care of our health, we should be moderate all times.

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