Reaction to “Ebola outbreak” article

Ebola outbreak: Five infected every hour in Sierra Leone


Last week 765 new cases of Ebola were found in Sierra Leone, while there are only 327 beds in the country.

So far 3,338 people died of Ebola and 7,178 people have been confirmed to suffer from that in the world. Especially Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guniea are suffering the most.

In Sierra Leone the number of cases dubles every few weeks.

But the number above is just only a small part. Because untold numbers of children are dying anonymously at a home or in the streets.

If urgent action were not taken, 10 people could be infected every hour.

[my opinion]

I heard the news that Ebola was raging in the West African countries before summer for the first time, and even after summer ended Ebola is still schoking the world.

There are not established treatment for Ebola. So as the best solution to the disease, I think, we must not get Ebola.

But in the current situation in West Africa, the number of cases is rasing day by day. I think the fact that there are not enough medical supply such as provision of beds in isolation wards makes the terrifying situation. If “untold number of children are dying anonymously at home or in the streets”, others can easily get that highly infectious virus from them.

Now Ebola is striding even outside West Africa. Whole countries should take actions not to spread it any more such as offering money to build isolation wards in West African where do not have enough bugdets.

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