The recent research says that eating a lot of processed meat brings about shortened lifespan. Researchers show that lifespans of people who ate red meat about three hundred grams per day were shorter by two years than those of people who never ate red meat. Though eating processed meat is connected with the risk of death, eating a moderate amount of nonprocessed meat has little effect on shorter lifespan. Red meat contains lots of zinc and protein, so it does us good. In processing meat, however, they put some compounds that could spoil our health. We should reduce the amount of which we eat processed meat.

I think that we cannot be too afraid of eating red meat. We can get nutrients we can’t produce by ourselves. It is ingredients in processed meat that do us harm. Though we had better cut down on processed meat, we can eat nonprocessed meat as usual. There is plenty of stuff harmful to our health in fast food. The companies put it so much to preserve food so that they can hold down expenses. They always seek their profits. Consumers will suffer more and more damage in the future. It may be a good idea to impose taxes on ingredients which are bad for our health. I’d like to eat home-made meat instead of fast food from now on. I put my trust much more in my mother than in fast-food restaurants.

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