First US Ebola case Thomas Duncan ‘critical’ -My Reaction

The first patient suffered from Ebola in US is being treated at hospital. He is native Liberia. He is in critical condition. Ebola is contagious, spreads through contact with the bodily fluids of someone who has the virus. Therefore there is the only way to stop spreading is to separate people from the patient. There have been about 7,500 infected people in the world so far. In West Africa, some Muslim festival were postponed and many public places is empty. Meanwhile, a French nurse who got the virus has recovered by the experimental treatment that give her the pill made by Japanese company. It is for influenza originally.

I think the basic facilities in hospital are stretched in Africa despite many patients are there. Plenty of isolation units and protection for doctors and nurses are needed to stop spreading Ebola but there are only usual beds and drip infusions. In French a patient were recovered thanks for highly special medical treatment. However the number of intensive care units are limited. Japan take measures to cope with Ebola, shoreline operations, but I don’t think it is enough to defend. The government need prudent measures and plenty of facilities and should prepare for the epidemic in not only in Africa but also in developed countries.

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