Hallucinogen in ‘magic mushrooms’

Researchers report that a small number of longtime smokers could drop their smoking habit when taking psilocybin, so called “magic mushrooms” in trial at Hopkins University School of Medicine. According to the trial, 80 percent of study participants could quit their smoking. Before this, the success rates of quitting smoking by taking smoking cessation drug was less than 35 percent. Therefore, that success rates is unbelievable high level. But magic mushrooms have hallucinogenic effect, we must be careful when taking them. It is needed to administer after careful preparation and in a therapeutic context.

In Japan, it is banned to take or have magic mushrooms in the law. And I think it will be still banned after this report because we should focus on safety. A person who have hallucination may do violent acts or injure someone around him. And it is dangerous for himself because he may get involved in accidents, for example, traffic accidents. If the drug or method that can control that hallucination discovered, it can change situation. But now, there are no way so it should be still banned, I think.

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