First womb-transplant baby born


In Sweden, a woman has given to a baby using a transplanted womb. The donor was 61 years old and she had gone through menopause seven years earlier. The transplant operation was the first success.

I was surprised that the donor was the woman who had already reached menopause, but the womb still functioned like it used to. It might be reuse of womb. Until now, if women who cannot bear a child want their own child, their only option is surrogacy. However, no one can decide the real mother when surrogate mothers refuse giving up a baby.

Moreover, poor women often accept surrogate mother for money. It seems that life is made by money. And also, surrogacy isn’t admitted in Japan. So, Japanese women who have a baby through surrogacy, they cannot be a mother legally. Surrogacy remains a lot of problems.

Compared with it, I think womb transplant has fewer problems because womb transplant isn’t different from other organ transplant. By medical development, women who cannot bear a child get a new option. I hope that this technology is utilized all over the world.

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