Dengue fever

My group article talked about the dengue fever.

In Japan, many people have become ill with dengue fever. dengue fever haven’t been confirmed for long time in Japan. Patients who developed the disease for transmitted by a type of mosquito, usually come down with the symptom. For example, it’s fever, headache, rashes and pain behind the eyes. In this case, fortunately, there are no deaths. Most of the patients have visited Yoyogi Park which is popular park in central part of Tokyo. So, Japanese authorities closed and fumigated large part of the park. Someone who is an assistant professor said the virus can be contained because the mosquitos which have the virus can’t survive the cold weather.

I think Japanese government should takes measures to some disease like dengue fever.

Generally, the disease is found in tropical and subtropical climates. Global warming is progressing. To stop it is too difficult. So, in the future, some disease like dengue fever will come to japan. I guess that dengue fever appear again in the next year. Japanese government has to take measures the new disease which is only in tropical climate now. Otherwise, many Japanese will die. During winter when the mosquito is dead is good time for government takes measures.

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