“Ebola in the air? A nightmare that could happen”


Today, the Ebola virus spreads only through direct contact, but some of the top infectious disease experts think  that  the Ebola could be infectious virus in the future. Altough they say the chances are so small, as a matter of fact, every time a new person gets Ebola, and more 7100 people got it and 3330 died according to the World Health Organization as of October 1.  In addition, thet says that the Ebola is an RNA virus. It means every time it copies itself, it makes one or two mutations.And some of them could be change the way the virus behaves in the humain body.

My opinion

Recently, we hear a lot of news on serious diseases, for example, the Ebola or the dengue fever. It isn’t so necessary to be anxious about them if we think only about our own country like Japan because we live in the medical developed nation. But  when we survey the whole world, it is one of the problems we shouldn’t disregard. As this article says, a virus is able to change its property so we had better pay attention to news about serious diseases at all times and understand what we need or need not to worry about. In any case, the first thing we have to recognize the situation correctly and not to be confused and scared more than we need.

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