my reaction to article about Edward Snowden


Edward Snowden who was a staff of NSA tell NBC what he think. He leak 1.7million top secret government document to all over the world. He appeared in interview to tell what he think one year after he revealing the information, then he describe himself as American patriot. He said he did that because he want to help America. But many people said that he damaged US national security. He stay in Moscow where this meeting take place because if he travel back he would face criminal charge. He decided not to come back home. He said in interview “if I could go anywhere in the world that place would be home. His priority is not about himself. He want his family and country help him in the future.


My opinion

I think country should not steal the information about privacy. It is bad that country obtain information without public knowing. But Edward Snowden is a civil servant. So he should not betray the country. Once he betrayed, then order in a country would collapse. Journalists should expose the evil of the state. Although he revealed the document for improving the system of America, but America suffer from what he did. China and Russia also may do the same thing. Now America is only one country which commit a crime about internet. He should think what happen in the world, especially  to America if he betray America. I think it is ok that japan steal my information because I do not have things which I don’t want country to know. But there are many people who hate country know his information. So what country did is bad and what Edward Snowden did is bad too.

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