My Reaction – “Zimbabwe arrests Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi”


Police in Zimbabwe have arrested the editor of a state-owned newspaper Edmund Kudzayi, who was recently appointed by Information Minister Jonathan Moyo, because of articles he had written.

Earlier this month President Robert Mugabe accused his information minister Jonathan Moyo of using state-owned media to sow divisions in the ruling of Zanu-PF party.

Correspondents say there is tension in the party over who should succeed 90-year-old Mr Mugabe, who was re-elected president last year.

Mr Mugabe had blamed Mr Moyo for firing editors at state-owned newspapers who were loyal to Zanu-PF. Mr Moyo has fallen in and out of favour with Mr Mugabe.



Through this article, I really felt how strong effect mass media has. If some politician can freely utilize mass media, they are able to control people’s thought, idea, or opinion and they can do any policies they want to do. Take a look at recent Mr.Abe, who is the prime minister right now, he is controlling mass media in order to pass his policy of right to collective defence. He used mass media and told people incorrect information about right collective information. He is now doing such thing as autocracy. I think Mr Mugabe knows how scary mass media is, and that’s why he blamed Mr Moyo Strongly.

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