Ireland’s smoking ban -my opinion-

March 29 marked the 10-year anniversary of a workplace smoking ban in Ireland, extending to pubs and restaurants. Ireland was the first country worldwide to enact such a sweeping ban. A lot of countries joined Ireland in creating a nationwide workplace smoking ban. Statistics show a national decline in post-ban smoking so it is said that the ban is a success. However Mary Byrne, a Dublin counter, says the ban has the opposite effect on smokers. She claims that the ban makes people smoke outside, then you see them and take one. She started smoking after the ban. Banning doesn’t always have a good effect.

Last week our group discussed the Ireland’s smoking ban. Though the number of people smoking in Japan is less than that of other advanced countries, we should decrease the number more.  As I don’t smoke, I can’t think of any good points of smoking. It is true that one who smokes looks cool and that smoking reduces our stress. However I don’t think we should run the risk of dying of cancer. Mary says the ban had no effects on smokers. I’m against her. The smoking prevalence rate has decreased surely, and her case is not common. I suggest the government put more taxes on cigarettes. Besides it is a good way to make smokers notice that smoking does harm on our health by putting warnings on boxes of cigarettes.


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