MY REACTION -Nasa launches carbon dioxide observer-


Nasa has launched a misson dedicated to measuring carbon dioxide from space. The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 will help pinpoint the key locations on the Earth’s surface where the gas is being emitted and absorbed. The launch was delayed a day due to the failure of the water system used to dampen the noise and vibration generated by the rocket’s first-stage engine and strap-on boosters.

OCO-2 carries the 2 designation because it is a replacement for a spacecraft that was destroyed on launch in 2009. this should give scientists a better understanding of how the greenhouse gas cycles through the Earth system, influencing the climate.

My opinion

I think the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 help delay increasing of carbon dioxide and grobal warming. because by the reserch of the satellite, it is found that how the greenhouse gas in air and we can see the country that do global warming countermeasure or not.

I think we should have a mind to global warming. If everyone do that, big effect will happen and  delay grobal warming. Moreover government in Japan should do the acting to space eagary. Not onry Japan, but countries in whole world should do serching space like America.


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