My reaction -Mexican government and Drugs-


On June 30th, Mexican security forces killed at least 22 drug gang members through a gun fight. They are the members of La Familia Michoacana drug cartel. According to prosecutors, when soldiers patrolled the area of cartel’s factory, gang members fired at soldiers and started the gun fight.

The president Pena Nieto tries to regulate drugs strictly the same as his former president. So he decided to use security forces (nearly army) to oppose drug gangs. Some people condemn that his decision would promote more violence of gangs.



No soldier was injured or killed in this case despite fighting against all 22 gang members. We can imagine there are lots of soldiers. I think shooting and killing members are excessive to fight against them. If the government tries to use such a strong power, they should take another way, for example, shooting only their legs, firing tear-gas bomb and so on. Of course, there are also riot polices in Mexico so they should be used instead of security forces.

In Japan, the conflict between country and private citizens is sometimes problem. From the view of constitutionalism, security forces are civil servants so they have to restrict using power to civilians even if they are perpetrators. Criminals also have rights to stand a trial and they might have been innocent. I don’t agree with government’s actions which invade human rights.

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