This I Believe

I believe that communication in talking is very important in leading an enjoyable life. Especially we should talk with each other rather than using SNS or chatting online.


Now I have many friends I can trust and I enjoy my life so much. However, when I was so young, I only had a few friends and I didn’t talk with others so much. I didn’t even like to go to school. What changed me is finding pleasures in communication.


As I was in elementary school, I used to play with a few friends, playing soccer at free time. In the classroom, I never raised my hands and wouldn’t try to make new friends. I thought there wasn’t any fun to go to school to talk with the same guys.


One day my best friends told me, “Just talk to our classmates.” At first I thought it troublesome to communicate with classmates I never talked with. I came to know that having lots of friends makes us happy. It is even better to have a big company than a small one. So talking to others positively is important. We should not always wait for somebody to talk to us.


Communication also helps us understand others deeply. Nowadays we have an extensive SNS. We can get in touch with friends by e-mail without seeing. However, talking is quite different from e-mailing. I think it easy to understand what they think or feel by communicating rather than chatting on the web. When I communicate with my friends, I get information not so much from their words but from their expressions, tones or looks. I think that these will tell me their true feelings. If we want to be close to others, we must be eager to know their characters and ways of thinking. As we come to know them, they will be our best friends. Communicating with them would be more delightful.


As I make friends, there appears ones I cannot get along with. I think it is okay. I just have to keep company with friends I like. To make good friends, we have to start with communication. What I can say clearly is communication is so valuable for us.

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