New York, Boston mayors back LGBT groups, reject St.Patrick’s Day parades By Haimy Assefa, CNN

I think all of the people should be given an equal right, so I agree with same-sex marriage.

Not reproduction but a partner’s lasting promise that it receives mutually is a matrimonial essential point, and is the purpose.

I am opposed to robbing happiness of homosexual because I respect to individual freedom and we should be also released from the idea that homosexual is seen as different.

If we don’t accept same-sex marriage, it may breed discrimination against homosexual and I am afraid that it leads to the abuse of human rights in the event.

It is a kind of transformation to admit homosexual like infertility treatment and contraceptive treatment have been admitted.

If we admit rights for homosexual couples to have children, it should be considered carefully because they might be discriminated or there might be an opposition movement.

Therefore, we should change or reform the law and we should also change our social awareness.

Every countries should make the new world that we can permit homosexual marriage.

Minorities have usually new and wide view in general.

People can build new world, change our view, and broaden our vision of the world by supporting homosexuals, who are minorities now.

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