This I believe

I believe in family. My family helped me many time. Thank to them, I live in here. I can do little things without help of my family. I have mother, father and big sister.

My mother is very kind but she don’t stare her opinion because thinking about around people. I think that is her week point. Contrary my father is so selfish, for example where to go for eating lunch or dinner is decided by him. But my father is so active, so he has followed us to many spots and done sports such as tennis with family. All of us enjoyed that event. And my sister is cheerful disposition, so when she wasn’t in home, I feel a little loneliness. Sometimes she advised me about studying or love situation or .etc.

I deeply appreciated to my family when I entered hospital. Before being junior high school student, I was taken seriously ill. I was very disappointed when I heard that. My family came to hospital and cheer up me. They must have shocked , but they behaved brightly. Moreover my grandmother came from Nagoya, and give kindly words to me. The most impressive word to stay in my heart is “God give trial that is what you can do” . I remembered enduring hard cure with that word. I love my grandmother too.

In fact, I have family who haven’t been introduced. They are two dogs, one is mother and the other is her son. They are very cute. I feel happy they are delighted with their tail wagging when I come back home. I can have peace of mind when I play with them.

After that experience, I think our ties grow more strong. Of course, we fight in many times. But that is evidence of belief. In future, many things will happen, but my trust to family will not disappear. This I believe.


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