The main topic of my group was manipularation of voting in ukraine. First time i saw this topic, i remembered some happening in south korea. As a matter of fact, serious fraud case heppened in korea. After it had turned out a huge fraud, many people were upset about that. However, the same case just happened in ukraine.
An important vote was held in ukraine and it was about independence of part of ukraine. According to the result of vote, almost 80% of people in east ukraine ageeded with the idea of becoming independent while the government of america is denying the legality of vote.
If east part of ukraine unite with Russia, it would be unplesure happening for america. I think that is why the government of america insist that the vote for independence in east ukraine is illegal.
one of friend of mine say everyone have a right to want democracy so it is not illegal to do a vote for independense. I agree to my friend but partly because it was the part of ukraine where vote was held. Usually it is unacceptable for part of country to become independent because it causes chaos to entire country. However, in this case, several problems in ukraine have been an issue and the whole situation is at the chaos already. So i think maybe the vote could be permitted.

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