This I believe

This I believe

I believe that having a goal and making an effort to reach it is the best way to make our life better and richer one. I feel it wasting our precious and short life to live without having a goal of your life. Any goal is OK, easy one or difficult one…  for example, trying to remember 10 English vocabulary per day to get better at English, or trying to get good score at your exam. That’s ok, that’s enough.

Talking about my life, I have reached one big goal and I’m now trying extremely difficult one.

The first one is high school entrance exam, and I could pass it. Then now, I’m studying hard to pass bar exam to be a lawyer. Bar exam is so difficult that I don’t have time for having fun, but I don’t feel bad about it because I am doing what I want to do and studying to realize my dream. Some people ask me “Why do you study that much? Why don’t you want to play with your friends?” Actually, of course I want to play with my friends, but studying law is much more fun for me.

What I want to tell you is that making an effort to realize your dream makes your life great one. Recently, I only do studying law, but my life is productive one.

In addition, if you have good circumstance for studying, I think you had better not waste it and study hard to gain knowledge. Plenty knowledge give you a lot of choice. I mean if you have a lot of knowledge, you can find or make your goal easily.

There are a number of people who have a dream but can’t realize it because of poverty, so if you are in good circumstance, I think we must not waste it.

I am given good circumstance to study law, so I am trying not to waste it.

I will do my best to pass bar exam and to be a layer.

I hope you have a goal and make your life better one.

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