Polls close in eastern Ukraine

My group article said that the Ukraine problem. Recently, many people who live in eastern Ukraine wanted to independence from Ukraine. So, referendums held by the people in two cities. But there is a lot of fraud. For example, several people did double voting. Moreover to bullets were fired and to some police prevented people from voting happened. Two incidents heightened tensions at polling places. The Ukraine governor didn’t accept right of the polls. And, the present, they can’t control activists. Russia allegedly support to activists.

I have two opinions about this article.

First, I think the poll isn’t right. Because it isn’t important that just hold referendum. It is important that hold referendum right. Right referendum doesn’t have to have fraud.

Second, I think the issue is not only in eastern Ukraine but also between Europe countries, U.S. and Russia. Present situation is likely to become the cold war again. We have to avoid that regional dispute become world war. If world war happen again, we may go to bust. We learned wars are un productive and terrible. Even strong countries like U.S. and Russia never get everything own way.

I hope that to solve the issue in eastern Ukraine peacefully.

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