This I believe

What I believe is  importance of life, especially small life.

One day, small grandmother woke up dragging the left leg which dosen’t move.

She walked slowly to a bait box  and ate breakfast. After a meal, she went back to her favorite place to sleep in  genial sun light.

When she was young, her body was covered with a fine coat of fur. She used to climb the trees and chase some mice. But now she never run free.

When I stroke her on the back, her warmth makes me smile. But I am complicated when I feel beat of heart and  her weaken body.

Pets are aging as well as human.

Dogs and cats now live in about 15 years because of pet food which is well-balanced in nutrition and advanced medical treatment. If they were human, they are about 80 years old. Every owner would want to live as long as possible with them. However, you should not forget there are some problems  caused by aging.

The big problem in a human society is also common in the animal kingdom, for example dementia.

In the case of dogs, if they cannot distinguish day or night,  they are barking all day in loud voice. It somtimes  become a neighborhood trouble.

In the case of large dogs, it is difficult to take them to the toilet if they get feeble in the legs.

To care aged pets is very tough. Therefore some owners bring them into a health center or, sad to say, throw them away.

I have grown up with my cat at since I was three years old.

She came in my house as a lost cat. We were friends and family. We used to sleep and play together. She was once my baby and I was an elder sister but now she is my grandmother.

Five months ago, I caught sad news with one photograph of her. She rested peacefully in heaven surrounded by flowers. Tears fell from my eyes, recalling her figure sleeping in the sunshine and dragging the left leg.

If she were wildness, the life would have been already completed several years before. Who expanded the span  of her life are us, human beings.

We have to do our best for them until the breath ceases, instead of taking away freedom and some various things from them.

When I thought that, closing my eyes, I seemed to hear her voice and see her smiling.

I hope all of animals passed away live peacefully somewhere.

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