This I believe

I believe that social media changes the society. I think that it will change politics, economy and human relations in the future.


When the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11th 2011, we couldn’t connect with each other by a cellphone which we trusted the best tool.Almost Japanese people panicked this situation. And we used cellphone at the same time in many places.We thought we could get in touch with friends or family immediately.But, all the lines were too busy not to connect anyone.At that time, I used a one of the social networking service, mixi to confirm my friend’s safety and so on.I felt the social media was essential for the first time.We could get an information of earthquake and transportation from mixi whenever we would like to check the site.Therefore, we recognize that social media is very useful.


Now, social media has spread all over the world. It can shake ideas of people beyond border.For example, we remember democratic movement called “Arab spring” from 2010 to 2012.It has spread to Arab countries of North Africa and the Middle East from “Jasmine Revolution” that took place in Tunisia.At this time, planning and asking of demonstration was done on Facebook and twitter.I have noticed two points from this incident.First, social media has been popular with citizens, especially young people.Democratic movement has happened in more than fifty countries through social media.The fact indicated that many people used social media over the world.Second, there is strong influence of social media.If somebody makes an objection to a government by using a social media,the government could be changed. This case shows how strong influence of social media is. It is possible to move society by using a social media from these points.


However, there is demerit of social media.Sometimes, it cause the problem of bullying and crime.In fact, trouble of social media is increasing rapidly .In other words, it may go good way or bad way.So, if social media change our society, it is important for us how to use it.

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