This I believe

When I was a high school student, I really wanted to enter Keio University; I had spent almost all of my school life studying very hard. Also, I was a captain of the softball club, which occupied my after-school hours, so I scarcely had time to participate in extracurricular activities. Now, I am a student in this university, and I believe that “I should challenge all things which I feel interesting” in the university. Today, I would like to introduce what I think the most important in my university life so far.


That is my club activity. I belong to the swimming team of the university as a manager. Until now, I played some sports: ballet, basketball, swimming, table tennis, tennis, and softball. But I always has been a player. To tell the truth, I couldn’t understand the feelings of the people who wanted to be a manager at all before I joined this swimming team. We practice almost every day, and my team is training very hard in order to win the championship of the tournament in this August.


Can you imagine what the works of managers in the swimming team is? I suppose almost all of you can’t imagine as I couldn’t before I joined the club. These are our main works: preparation for training, recording time by using a stop watch, putting them on recording sheets, and making Excel file of their data. These look so simple, but actually it takes a lot of time to edit Excel, especially I was not good at that work at the first time.


Then, why I still belong to the club and has been able to continue to work as a manager so far?


The answer is this: I have been interested in contribution to the team as a manager, and even if it is hard, I would like to achieve things which I feel interesting. It also what I believe now.


Since I am a manager in my team, I am not able to swim for the team or make contribution to match results directly. However I feel very happy when the players appreciate my work and make new records. Why? Because through doing my work as a manager, I believe that certainly I can contribute to their swimming career and winning. That is also the point I have been fascinated by taking part in the team as a manager.


Thanks to my experience as a manager, I have become doing works in my daily life more carefully than before, felt pleasure by working for other people, and above all, I got special team work and met the best companions. In the tournament in this August, I will face the match with putting all my heart and soul with my best companions.


Unfortunately, I have to quit my job in 1 month, after the tournament, but like my irreplaceable experience as a manager, I hope to do a lot of fascinate things in the rest of my university life. Because of that, I‘m going to challenge all things which I feel interesting from now on.

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