What I believe is the future of Japan.This is because Japan has wonderful good points.Those points are the excellent scenery, the national traits and long peace. In this essay, I talk about these appealing points.

First, a lot of great pieces of scenery are in Japan. For example, Mt.Fuji, historical buildings in Kyoto and Nara and forests in Shiretoko. These are very beautiful and famous as sightseeing spots. However, appealing points are not only their beauty. If you visit these places, you can learn how Japanese people have lived and how powerless human beings are. So you cannot help think what human beings live for. Therefore, Japanese scenery charms people by not only beauty but also profundity.

Second, the national traits of Japanese people are very gentle. They always take actions thinking what other people think. So they often concede something to others and prioritize them. The good example of this is conducts in a train. When someone who are aged or injured gets on a train, most of the people in Japan give their seat to him. And their gentleness appeared on the international stage. In the 2014 soccer world-cup in Brazil, Japanese supporters surprised all over the world by cleaning a stadium after a game. This action was much talked about on the Internet, and supporters of other countries did the same thing. From these points, gentleness of Japanese people is recognized in the world.

Third, Japan has been peaceful since WW2. This is because Japan has a stable political system. This system include the constitution that prohibit participation in a war, democratic election system and the separation of government. In addition, the alliance with the U.S. has defended Japan from other countries. Especially, this alliance played an important part in Japanese international relations during cold war. These factors leads to long peace of Japan.

Considering these 3 points, I think the prosperity of Japan will continue in the future. In the 21th century, there are a lot of problems in the world. However, if Japan cooperate with other countries and tackle the difficulty, these problems will be solved. Thank you for your listening.

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