Pollution in developing country

This topic is about china’s waste plant protest in hagzhou. It says that atmospheric pollution caused by planned waste incineration is getting worse. According to the topic, a lot of people were injured because of violent protest against pollution.

I’ll discuss about this problem from 2 different point of view.
First I’ll analyze the cause of these serious pollution in developing country. At second time I’ll try to find solution to resolve those problems related to pollution.
Why pollution is increasing in developing country (like china or India)? In my opinion, I think that environmental pollution  deteriorate correspondingly to the economy growth. When the consumption increase, industries have to rise their production to satisfy demand which require a massive consumption of energy (this exploitation of energy is nowadays regarded as one of the cause of pollution). As a result, the overuse of energy supported by the growing economy lead developing country to pollution.
How can we prevent pollution? I think the lack of technologic strength is the principal cause of pollution in developing country, which explains why contamination level of those country is higher than advanced country’s. Furthermore, I think less attention is paid to environmental protection and environmental standards are often inappropriate or not effective.Reducing environment pollution through innovation is required. Develop and improve pollution control techniques is a feasible solution to prevent pollution.

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