This I believe

I believe we know what the important things in our life are. But we sometimes forget because we take them for granted. Appreciation is one of them. I don’t want to have such situation that people will forget appreciation and the phrase of “thank you” someday.

When I was a high school student, my teacher gave me a message: “You owe what you are today to the people around you. So don’t hesitate to express your appreciation to them at any time.” This message reminds me of being supported by so many people like my family, friends and teachers.

In society, we are supported by someone and express our appreciation for it unconsciously. Through such a normal interaction, we can create a bond with each other. This kind of relationship expands rapidly, from small one to all Japan and from all Japan to all over the world. It builds up strong bonds among people over the border.

Do you know “Peace Village International” in Germany? It is a non-profit charity operating a medical facility. They accept children who can’t get any medical treatment in their own country because of the war or crisis areas. It is being run by contributions only and there are many staff from all over the world. In other words, this facility is supported by the hope and good will of people who believe this is essential for innocent children. After finishing the treatment, children return home and try to contribute to the Peace Village International in their own way. They keep the hope for “peace”, which is way they appreciate it. And the staff always have appreciation for the children and other staff working there. This is the important element that the project has kept on over 40 years. The feeling of appreciation makes an emotional connection among all their people. It is most decisive evidence that this project is expanding worldwide in the ways of the “succession” and “cooperation” day by day.

What can we do for keeping appreciation in our mind? The answer is to continue to say “thank you” to others. This phrase is like a light to keep in our mind the importance of helping and supporting each other. I think it is now the most necessary phrase for this world filled with sad news. The individual appreciation may not be so strong, but every person has it. The way to express it depends on the one. So the important point is to show the appreciation in a visible way to others. When you feel happy and thankful for them, tell them “thank you”. First of all , let’s start to appreciate the small things around us.  028_140712_2021A0

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