This I Believe

This I Believe

I am satisfied with my life these days because I have got to challenge myself in everyday lives. And I found some essential factors to make your life better and enjoyable.


What changed my life fundamentally was dancing. I had wanted for a long time to begin something through which I can achieve a goal with my own efforts before I enrolled in college. I started krump dancing. When you move in the style of krump, you can express your emotions and energies much more than any other style of dancing. Krump dancing itself is of course very good to do, but its important characteristic is that krump is a dance of battle. You express yourself and improve your skills through battles with other dancers, and in fact I can see most of krump dancers are very earnest. You have to be so earnest that you keep up with or beat your rivals.


But when battling or competing, you cannot help thinking of being defeated. If someone defeats you, of course you will get depressed, and have a hard time. Though at the same time you can have many ways to deny your lose, by making excuses, sometimes such fears of defeat put you away from trying, making efforts or competing with others.


I was also scared of competitions and defeats. The fear of defeat was, to me, too big to compete with others because I had never experienced defeat. I often made an excuse of lose and my lack of efforts. But through krump dancing, I changed. Now when I’m in face-to-face competition with the rival in dancing, somehow I do never want to lose and despite the fear of loses, I can feel like challenging the rivals. What did make me change?


I think that is because I met many people who are better at dancing and I lost many times, then my arrogance was swept away. Now I can also see the enjoyable dimensions of things more than the fears of failure. I think I have got more active and satisfied with everyday lives  than before. I try things, and then, whether I succeed or fail, learn many things from them. If you are scared of failure, you may also be scared of challenging yourself, then you cannot learn anything from your life. I think it is a waste of lifetime.


I believe what is important in life is the experience of failure, and the passion to learn from and get over it.

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