This I believe

I believe sport is the greatest things for us. Sports is like a universal language. Without knowing someone, I can enjoy the sport with someone who are stranger for me. Let me give you two example about sport.

First, I was a handball player in high school. I can get along well most people in high school club activities because I have understand each other thorough the sports. The practice was very hard. I have practiced from morning till night. I ate dish with everyone who are my team mate when it becomes late at night. I spent most time of the high school with my friends of the club. By playing sport, we can learn everything. So I think sport is very important. I play handball at the university now. I made a friend through handball. When I entered university, the first opportunity to make friends was also playing a sport. I can make friends by playing sports even if the relationship is bad. While I play sport with friends, I forget what does not matter for the game. Still now the relationship with team mates is good.

Second, I went to the Philippines last summer. Philipino is so kind. When I was walking, many people have been talking to us. People told me to welcome us, but we did not know what they are saying. So I could not be to a close friend. I was not able to reply. It is difficult for us to talk with foreigner because of language. I could not convey what I think. Then we played soccer together. Although we cannot convey words but we can enjoy playing sport. We grieve and joy together. After the game, we became very good friends. I have kept in touch with them even now.

Recently it have been said that Asia’s situation is not good especially for China, Korea and Japan. Most of Asian cannot speak English. So it is not easy for Asia to understand each other. But to make world better Asia have to stand together. As a first step, I think it is good that we Asian play sport together. It is true that it is difficult to make relationship good suddenly at the political level. But I think we can get along well in the citizen level like I experienced in the Philippines. So that, I want to play sport with people from all over the world. I want to be friends with people from all over the world through it.

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