I Believe My Passion

I believe that even be alone, we can succeed by having a passion. This belief always makes me positive. I learned it from my experience.

When I was a Keio high school student, I belonged to the institute of Fukuzawa as a club activity. It is a club to study about Yukichi Fukuzawa and the Meiji Era. Basically, I’d been interested in history so I wanted to study it more and focus on one historical person. As you know, he is the founder of Keio University and his most famous work, ‟An Encouragement of Learning” made me impressed when I was a junior high school student. I decided to belong to the club but there is no member except me! Have you ever belong to a club which doesn’t have other members? It was also the first experience for me. On the other hand, lots of my friends participate in major sports or music clubs. I felt the difficulty of managing the activity.

Almost all activities are entering essay competition sponsored by Keio University and having an exhibition at the school festival. An Essay was hard enough to spend lots of time in summer vacation. I had to write about Fukuzawa with twenty manuscript papers. In the first year, as a result, my work wasn’t selected for the prize.

In the Second year, my life got harder because I started to belong to the orchestra club. I also had to write an essay as a member of the institute. However, I love history so I enjoyed writing an essay. I couldn’t spend much time only for the essay but I succeeded to win second prize. And I also had a successful exhibition in a classroom at the school festival. Of course, from planning to setting, almost all exhibits are prepared by me. These activities made my club more famous in my school and the institute of Fukuzawa was introduced in school brochures for the outside. And in the final year of high school, my dream which publish club magazines came true. This magazine also consists of almost only my pieces.

These activities are small scale but they satisfied me very much. In Japan, there is an atmosphere that belonging to majority is the safest. However, since I was alone, rather I could do what I want to do. So I don’t regret belonging to one-man club.

I was absorbed in studying history anyway. I think my success comes from this passion for the activity. Success isn’t always relevant to surrounding environment. Therefore, if you want to do something, don’t hesitate to do alone. Someone may notice your efforts. I believe that only your passion lead to a success.


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