This I Believe


This I Believe

   I believe that exercising of the right of collective self -defense should not be permitted. Shinzo Abe, a prime minister in Japan, interprets constitution in an arbitrary manner.

   Public opinion indicates that about 60 percent of the civil are against Shinzo Abe, who aims to assert the right and interprets constitution as he likes. In addition, as they understand statement he submitted better and better, the tendency has got stronger. Under such a condition, he makes points of his plan complex, unclear, and difficult for people to understand. In other words, he avoid direct and simple explanation. Key word is “Using a military power can be based on the right of collective self-defense”. That statement will help him to exert the right.

   However, politicians supporting his plan claims that his plan doesn’t accept asserting the right and they don’t interpret arbitrarily. That insistence is not reasonable. Although a limitation is included in his plan, it will not be very effective. That is because they almost enabled themselves to exert the right, regardless of 96 article.

   Of course, it could be helpful that the Japan Self-Defense Forces can go abroad to support other countries when they are endangered, and to defend their own country and prevent an offense of opponent if some nations plan to attack Japan.

   But it’s a step toward war. At this stage, you have to remember Second World War, when American forces threw atomic bomb above Nagasaki and Hiroshima prefecture. You should learn a lesson from history. You must not cause that cruel war again.

   Moreover, the policy Shinzo Abe advocates could affect your future children. They might be called on for fighting for Japan. That’s a terrible. You need to protect next generation.

   Therefore, young people, including us, have to get interested in politics, understand what Shinzo Abe wants to do, and go to vote.

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