This I believe

“This I believe”

I believe the power of teammates, the power to achieve the goal as a team. Teammates cooperate on you and work to overcome difficulties, or make the situation better. Furthermore, if you feel you are working alone, you just don’t know that there are many “teammates” who support you.

For example, I belong to Keio magicians’ society. It holds a stage and about 600 audiences come to the stage every year.
This year, I appeared on the stage for the first time. I performed a playing cards’ magic, using 150 cards. Cards’ magic is one of the most difficult magic, so I had to make time for the practice.
However, I also belong to the Taiikukai, Shorinji Kempo Team. I was pressed with the practice of Shorinji Kempo and I felt shameful when I showed my magic routine to the magic club’s members because it was not well-organized. I feared what they would say and didn’t want to communicate with the member then.

From one month before the stage, my every free time had been used to practice. I thought I would be alone when I practiced. However, there were also the members of our club, who practiced for the stage or came to see our magic. I admitted to receive advices and learn technics from them to improve my magic routine. Surprisingly, they liked my magic and had many ideas which I had never thought. Practicing with their advices, I noticed my magic became better and better. That’s why I could continue practicing every day.

On the day of the stage, I appeared on the stage and my magic went very well. When I performed, I was really excited before a large audience and was greeted by their cheers.
After the stage, we hugged each other and I cried with the member who I practiced with many times. I noticed that we can achieve something difficult not alone, but together with the members. At first, I thought the magic depended on only the ability of the each performer. However, while everyday practicing, I understood there were many members gave me advices and energy to practice. Furthermore, without one teammate, I could not even appear on the stage. We made the stage together.

In conclusion, I believe teammates enable me to achieve something difficult or great things. We have to cooperate as a team, and appreciate each other.
I want to continue cooperating in this club to support the other teammates.

Thank you for listening.

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