This I believe

I believe that people should not give up before you have even started,even if they drop by the wayside.

In my infancy, I was not good at everything, such as, sports,arts,music,studies and so on. At first, I was not caring about it and enjoyed everything purely. However, a change happened. I did not enjoy because I could not do anything right. In handicraft class, my work was worse than others undoubtedly. I did not write the Japanese cursive syllabary at all in dictation. I could not swim even 5m in swimming class.The people around me, such as, parents , teacher of the kindergarten only said ‘ You can do it’ or ‘ It can’t be helped’. These words did not do me any good.

When I entered elementary school, I started going to small tutoring school by the recommendation of the parents. The teacher there was very kind enough to teach anything I did not understand many times over. I disliked going to this school at first, but I became fond of her and came to understand many things. I still can remember her words that now. She said to me,’You do not mind failing.To give up halfway through is all right. However, you must not give up before you have even started.’ This words changed me slightly.

After that, I was getting better at studying. It was enjoyable for me to understand many things and this delight gave me motivation.I felt her words were true. Nevertheless,I was not good at many things as usual. Especially, physical education,handicraft, music class distressed me. I failed and gave up in middle in many times,but I never gave up before I have even started.

Most people often say ’ a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’. However, I think it is not need to walk thousand miles.To accomplish against the will is not important.The really important thing is start doing something even if it is not good.

Then, something will change slightly.

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