This I Believe

I believe doing your best on that you face with and never give up is important. I belong fencing club and my aim is to participate in the World Students Games. I will continue to Keio graduate school so I will achieve this goal till the graduation. Now, I will tell you about my fencing life and lessons from this.
The reason why I started fencing was very poor. I entered Keio Syonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior high school and belonged Japanese Chess club because I had loved it. However, when I moved up to the second year of Junior High School, members of the chess club became only 2 because of upperclassmen’s graduation from the Senior High School so I was bored about club activity. I looked for a sports club which allowed to belong two clubs because I thought I wanted to continue Japanese chess and I might need to lose my weight. And that was the fencing club by chance, yet firstly I had no motivation for fencing since I had Osgood-Schlatter disease which made me have pain in my left leg, besides I like Japanese chess more than fencing at that time.
However, a turning point of my fencing life came when I continued to the Senior High School because fencing club’s manager was changed. He has been very aggressive and passionate man. He taught me the fun of fencing, the importance of having a passion, and concentrating on things what you did. The final lecture was especially shocking for me and my value has turned upside down. From the day, I have devoted my time and energy to fencing, study and a few other things like a different person. My fencing skills have been improving and I succeeded to participate in Kanto Senior high school students’ fencing competition. Moreover, my record in school turned better and found fun of study.
Never give up is also important. I repeated failures in fencing after I exerted myself of it. I have got tired of fencing many times, yet I have decided to continue to do my best whenever I was about to stop hard working for fencing For this, epee team which I have made a specialty of from university achieved to promote to the First grade league from the Second grade league in 26 years at last month. I competed in the game and succeeded in it.
Now, my goal which is to participate in the World Students Competition is very difficult, but I will do my best and whenever I face with severe troubles I will never give up.
You should do your best if you have to do things which you don’t like. Because doing things without passion is wasting your time and doing your best for everything gives you useful lessons and new discoveries. And you will have hard time, but you should continue to make an effort, because it gives you something precious.

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