I Believe

I believe that the friendly relationship between people makes the world peaceful.

Direct communications are important for establish friendly relationship. For example it is to talk, listen, discuss, and solve together and directly. I’ll cite three instances for your understanding.

First instance, some articles and comments which are extreme and violent are in the spotlight on the internet. Many of people want to peace the world and establish friendly relationship. But it is natural opinion. Then, unfortunately, nobody says anything like this. Of course, these aren’t in the spotlight. Consequently, the minority opinion which is extreme, violent, and cause wars will affect majority opinion.

We can’t recognize existence of someone on the internet.Then, we can hurt and enflame someone easily. But at the same time it is possible that we were done the same thing. Since, safety was insured and to escape is easy.

Second instance is the Gulf war. There are many similarities between the internet and the Gulf war. The Gulf war was called “Nintendo War” because so many people were killed as play video games. Since they didn’t recognize existence of someone, the war didn’t seem real. This tendency is getting stronger. Specifically drone strikes have been increased.

Third instance, I had talked about China to elementary school students, some of them said that “I hate China” and “China is bad”. However, I said them that “Have you  talked with Chinese?”, they said “No”. I felt surprise and fear. They were controlled by information of mass media.

There is a little foreigner in Japan. Many of Japanese don’t have opportunity of contact directly with the foreigners. So, the mass media have major influence on image of foreigner. This will be the cause of “Hate Speech”.

It isn’t easy now that we recognize existence of the individual.

We need to enjoy friendly relationship between people.

I think that I have to do something for recover relationship between Japan, Korea and China. But I haven’t done something yet. Some of people have already acted. For example one of the Japanese took the free hugs campaign in Korea. In other case, one of the Chinese held the table tennis meeting. Many Japanese and Chinese took part in it. I want take part in and hold some events like this. Certainly we change too bad present condition.

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