I believe that illness arises from sickness of the spirit.

I believe that illness arises from sickness of the spirit. In my childhood I often ran a fever. Of course it was because I was weaker than I am. But the reason is not that only. I became sick intentionally . I hated going to school when I was an elementary schoolchild. Being forced to adapt myself to everyone was troublesome . Basically I like being alone from my childhood . Furthermore people of my age seemed childish to me. So the school was the uncomfortable place and I would like to avoid attending as much as I could. But I was not too foolish to absent myself because of my feelings. Therefore I sometimes try to run a fever and really ran a fever.
Moreover I took a cram school to enter a private junior high school when I was the upper grades. I would like to go to the school which is difficult to enter. But my grades were not a very impressive. So my mother often scolded me . I didn’t like to be got angry. However when I became sick , she became kind. Therefore I tried to be sick . That’s why I often became ill.
But I have changed from entering a junior high school. My school was a girl’s school and classmates were very frank. So going to school became a very pleasant thing to me. But what changed me most was to join a brass band club. I could find the thing which I absorbed in. To develop my skill, I played every day. In the morning I went to school early and practiced. I also practiced in lunchtime and after school . I thought that missing practice even one day means decreasing my skill. I loved playing flute and would like to be a good performer. To be so, I couldn’t be sick. Having a healthy meal, gargling, washing hands and sleeping well became daily works . As a result I became healthy in spirit. To be in good health mentally means being stronger physically. In consequence I never absented myself for six years when I was a junior and senior high school student.
Then I entered university. The first semester passed pleasantly. But too busy life made me tired and I became nerves . As a result I suffered acute gastroenteritis . Sleeping well restored me. By having inner reserves I maintain my health now.
Even in the world of sports , they say feelings of trying to win promote players to success .
These my experiences and words made me believe this phrase .

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