We talked about the news that is about the security at the airport in the US.

The US announced new security measures in response to a terror threat. But the US gave no details about this decision.

After 9.11, we all are forced to deal with the security issues and improve the securities against terrorisms. And they seemed quite natural for us to undergo the very strict security checks when we get on a plane. For me, this seemed natural too, because 9.11 was happened when I was 6 years old. Since then, the time I have little intelligence, it was insisted that we needed to make security checks more and more strict.

But in fact, we hardly see the terrorists be caught at the airport. That may be because the authorities usually check their behaviors, and they get caught before the incidents occur.

Now I can think of this announcement that this is a kind of political performance by the US government. Whatever the truth is, they might have the people feel safe, and this is the key of this announcement. As a matter of fact we don’t know how to conclude the problems of terrorisms, yet people in the Middle East is bing endangered. We can feel safe in some measure when we know some measures are taken, which I think is very important.

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