what i believe.


I believe that Children have to be grown up in urban city rather than suburban.

Of course, there are many things could make children’s childhood full of pleasure in suburban. However, that doesn’t mean children who grew up in urban can’t have good memories of childhood. also, even though children who grew in urban city have less nature based good mamories, that place offer many other advantage like education, transportation, information.

For example, i grew in suburban. I spent almost half of my life in that town. There were so many things i could enjoy with. Clambing mountain, catching some dragonfries, swiming in river… thing that you hardly enjoy in urban city. Thanks for that great curcumstans gave me  many good memories of childhood, my life in suburb had been good untill i move into urban city.

i was such a good kid in suburban, i was quite good at study and sports. when i moved into city at first time, i thought i could be a student just as good as i was.

however,  i noticed what i thought was wrong.

First there are too many academy for all studens. since no academy were in suburb, i’d had no idea about the academy and that fact became the one of the biggest reason i lost my passion for study.

secondly, contrast to my thought, they were really good at sports. because there were also academiy for sports. they had special skill in soccer, basket ball. they were good even at playing with instruments. of course i wasn’t good at it because i saw an instrument first time after i moved into urban city

This is why i think children should be grown up in, at least, near urban city.

suburban has great curcumstans for children.

however, they need to be educated like children in urban city.

i think unbalance of education could cause unbalance of the standard of living. it would be great if suburban has education system too, but suburban usually doesn’t have high quality education system.

this is why i think children need to be grown up in urban city.


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